Selecting The Best Exfoliant For Aging Skin

The shedding of dead cells on the skin’s outermost surface is a natural process that leads to the appearance of newer cells underneath the surface. With each shedding, the skin appears and feels soft, smooth, and supple.

The lower skin layers are responsible for the creation of new skin cells. These cells migrate to the surface of the skin and become more acidic. It takes around 30 days to travel from the lower skin layers to the upper and is marked by even growth or shedding of skin cells.

As we age, our skin starts to shed unevenly, which can lead to dry, rough, and dull skin. To get rid of dead skin cells evenly, exfoliation is required. You can get the best-rated exfoliation skincare products via This will ensure even skin tone. You will then enjoy a brighter, more radiant complexion.

What exfoliants should you use?

It all depends on whether the exfoliant comes with a prescription or is an over-the-counter. Doctors will recommend exfoliants with Tretonoin if it is a prescription product. However, sensitivity and irritation can sometimes occur so a gentler over-the-counter product might be better to use for long-term.

You need to make sure that you choose the right exfoliant for your skin. Also, ensure that it is affordable and safe for long-term usage. Before you buy a few exfoliants, it is worth researching the best ones and then trying them out.