Information About Sewer Pipe Bursting Technology

Sewer pipe bursting technology, often called trenchless excavation, has seen significant improvements in the last decade. In the past, if you heard an announcement that a local sewage line broke and needed to be fixed, you'd immediately think of huge road demolition, a lot of traffic jams, long-term construction as well as nearby commercial enterprises suffering financial losses.

It is repairing sewer pipes that used to be a hassle, difficult and messy, obstructing major highways as well as businesses, and costing lots more money. Bonded drain contractor in Los Angeles  with the latest advances in plumbing pipe repair, there's a more efficient and simpler method to do things today.

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Find out the details of the trenchless pipeline burst technique and it will benefit contractors, companies as well as various sectors in the field of repair and replacement of pipes.

Repairs and replacements of pipes

Repair and replacement of trenchless pipes is the best solution for repairing or replacing damaged or problematic wastewater pipes deep under the surface.

The procedure is simple in the sense that Two holes are made in each corner of the pipe that needs to be fixed. Then, a remote-controlled machine is placed in one hole and then guided across the pipe to get in that hole. If the pipe needs renovation or strengthening, there are two simple ways to do it:

Introduce a tube of polyethylene after the machine is installed, then either expand it or connect it to the walls of the pipe with UV light or hot air.