What is an ELISA test?

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay detects antibodies in the blood and measures them. This test can help determine if you have antibodies to certain infections. Your body makes antibodies when it encounters harmful substances known as antigens.

What is the procedure for performing the test?

The ELISA test takes only a few minutes. The consent form will need to be signed by you and your doctor explaining the purpose of the test. You can get the multiplex ELISA test kit via https://www.bosterbio.com/products/boster-multiplex-elisa-kits.html.

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An ELISA test requires you to give a small amount of your blood. A healthcare provider will first clean your arm with an antiseptic. A tourniquet (or band) will then be placed around your arm to apply pressure to your veins and cause them to swell.

Next, a needle is placed into one of your veins in order to collect a small amount of blood. Once enough blood has been collected, the needle is removed and a small bandage placed on the area where it was.

To reduce blood flow, you will be asked to keep the pressure at the point where the needle was inserted for several minutes.

Although the procedure is relatively painless, your arm may feel a little tender afterward.

A laboratory will analyze the blood sample. A technician will take the blood sample and add it to a petri dish that contains the antigen relevant to your condition.

Your blood may bind to the antigen if it contains antibodies. This will be checked by the technician who will add an enzyme to the dish and observe how the blood and antigen react.

If the dish's contents change in color, you may be suffering from the condition. The technician can determine how much of the enzyme's effects are affecting the dish and the amount of antibodies present.