How To Protect Your Privacy Online: Things To Remember

With the recent advances in information technology, a lot of human activities are now carried out in cyberspace or online as described by most networks. This drastic transition to the internet platform may have brought certain benefits, but also posed several threats, especially to the privacy of these internet users, including yourself. However, this doesn’t mean you have to stop using the internet and return to your primitive lifestyle. There are several ways to protect your privacy online and ensure you have a great internet experience.

Below are some practical suggestions that have been tried and tested over time and will help protect your online privacy. Please note that these suggestions do not completely protect you from unwanted accidents while browsing the Internet, but are intended to limit your risk as long as you stay online. One of the best solutions given to the users is the usage of ExpressVPN via (also known as을 통한 ExpressVPN in the Korean language) so as to stay safe and anonymous online.

Image result for vpn

Image Source: Google

Use an Internet browser that has been proven safe. One way to protect your privacy online is not to use Internet Explorer as your web browser. Note that millions of users rely on Internet Explorer for their browsing needs. With this number of users, the risk that more people will steal your personal information is relatively high. By using another Internet browser, you spread the risk of theft of personal information effectively.

Disguise your identity with an anonymizer. You have to remember that every time you surf the internet, you leave a trail through your IP address. When it comes to the internet, your IP address can basically reveal your identity, even some personal information that shouldn’t be made public. You should hide your IP address as much as possible with the anonymizer. This is the best way to protect your privacy online. Preventing is always better than cure. So be careful when you go online.

Importance of Supervisory Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious problem that affects many employees and organizations. Research shows that 90 percent of the Fortune 500 companies have at one time or the other dealt with the complaints of this type of harassment and that more than a third of them have faced lawsuits related to this issue. It’s also a fact that this problem in not limited to the largest or most profitable organizations.

Supervisor training  is important

The best way for companies to reduce the risks they face in the workplace is to start with a solid prevention policy and follow up by taking steps to ensure that their managers have the knowledge of how to deal with inappropriate behavior, complaints and charges. Ongoing monitoring of sexual harassment prevention training for supervisors should be a key component in a comprehensive risk management plan of each company.

Recognizing sexual harassment

It’s essential for everyone who supervises employees to have solid understanding of what sexual harassment is and to know how to recognize the implicit and explicit warning signs of dangers that put themselves, their employees, and their companies at risk.

While some occurrences of sexual harassment in the workplace might be obvious, this is not true in all situations. Managers who are not properly trained often allow risky behaviors to take place simply because they do not fully understand what is considered harassment.