Different causes of fatigue and how to manage it

training online basic fatigue management

Fatigue is a term used to describe the feeling of tiredness or just lack of energy. It is not the same as simply feeling tired or sleepy. Whenever you are fatigued, you have no motivation and no energy. Being sleepy might be a symptom of fatigue, but it is not the same. Fatigue is a very common symptom sample medical condition. If your fatigue does not resolve with proper resting nutrition, then you should connect with the doctor as soon as possible.

What causes fatigue?

If you are experiencing fatigue, your activities and other lifestyle choices might be the root cause. For instance, fatigue can result from physical exertion, lack of sleep, being overweight, grief, using alcohol on a regular basis, or using illicit drugs like cocaine. You can join basic fatigue management training online to learn everything about the causes of fatigue.

Physical health conditions can also cause fatigue, like anemia, arthritis infections like cold and flu, hyperthyroidism, sleep disorders eating disorders, and diabetes cancer.

When should you see a doctor?

You should make an appointment with your doctor if you're feeling tired and you cannot think of anything that might account for the fatigue, like having a higher temperature than the normal body temperature or having experienced unexplained weight loss.

If you have made efforts to address the most common lifestyle causes like lack of rest, overeating habits, and stress without success, your fatigue has continued for two weeks or more.