The Benefits of Yoga For Beginners

There are plenty of incredible benefits to starting yoga for beginners. Not only can it improve your overall physical and mental health, but it can also help you build better relationships, stay calm under pressure, and relieve stress. Here are five reasons why beginning yoga is a great idea:

1. Yoga Can Improve Your Physical Health

Yoga has been shown to improve your cardiovascular health, lower your risk of stroke, reduce your stress levels, and even improve your flexibility. In fact, a study published found that people who practiced yoga for eight weeks had improved flexibility and balance than those who didn’t practice yoga at all.

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2. Yoga Can Help You Build Better Relationships

One of the main benefits of practicing yoga is that it can help you build stronger relationships with others. According to a study published in The Journal of Positive Psychology, people who practiced yoga reported feeling more connected with their friends and family members than those who didn’t practice yoga. This is likely because practicing yoga allows you to focus on your breath and slow down your thoughts, which can lead to increased empathy and compassion for others.

One of the most common poses for beginner yogis is the Child's pose (also known as Cobbler's pose). To do this pose, lie down on your back with both knees bent and feet flat on the floor next to your butt.

Place arms at your sides with palms facing down. Softly press down into each knee while lifting both torso and head off of the ground until you feel a stretch in your backside area (anatomically speaking).